Dear Reader,

Reader = Friend, maybe family or anyone silly enough to stumble on this page and not leave immediately

Welcome to my blog!

First of all, I'd like to thank you to coming to my production of "Not Your All-American College Kid," written, directed and performed by yours truly, Calen Winn aka thepanthespian aka Puck aka Pan-cake.

Before we begin, I have a few reminders. Please silence, not just set to vibrate as this is an intimate space, your cellphones, pagers, watches, and anything else that might beep, squawk, or otherwise make noise, including small children. Also, please remember to be courteous and kind to the performers and your fellow audience members, profanity is allowed, but please keep all comments civil and constructive.

Finally, anything new I write will appear as a blog post, but make sure to check out my "Pre-Blog Writings" pages, linked in the sidebar, which may grow as I discover more old writing worthy of posting.

Now, sit back, and enjoy "Not Your All-American College Kid" by Calen Winn

Monday, June 14, 2010

When did I become the all-American college kid?

For my inaugural post, I give a poem about one of my three home situations

Grill starting up
Mom prepped dinner
Dad, bro and I played basketball
Brother and I played soccer on the lawn
When did I become the all-American college kid?

I've always had family
a family, a good one
but not like this,
not like every perfect kid
who pays for per college with inheritance
and goes off into the real world
When did I become the all-American college kid?

I left, and my life became normal
complete with dysfunction
and a little brother I love
but who drives me up the wall
When did I become the all-American college kid?

he plays piano badly and loudly
to try and prevent me reading
I move to the porch, and I realize and wonder
When did I become the all-American college kid?

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